There are many regions in this city, like LA there are several bustling shopping and city centers that are not considered the center of Sendai, (we will be going and spending time in Sendai center this weekend and will post pics)
The studio John is working for is called WineStudios, it is a huge, gorgeous, state-of-the art facility, where they play soccer during lunch.
Max and Zack will begin school on Monday, jumping into a full japanese program. The school is called Meysen, japanese for "bright horizons." It is amazing, the grounds are like nothing I've ever seen before- the pics don't do it justice. There is a farm, numerous playgrounds, pools and slides that go on forever and down the hill. They will learn japanese quickly and teach their mom and dad.
There are not that many people outside of the company that speak English, but they are really nice and patient. The food is great but different, if there are pictures on the menu its great, otherwise we kind of wing it, the boys will not starve because we found a great"Italian" restaurant and the boys said the pasta bolognese was the best thing they've ever eaten. Although udon, miso soup and plain rice is a major staple at our house.
My favorite thing here is that the japanese love to use some english titles , and a lot of the time they just don't make sense. Everyday I look for a new sign or package that makes me giggle. Some of my favorites so far... "SWEAT"soft drink (like gatorade, to supply electrolytes.) and "STICKING PLASTER" band aids.
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